In today’s internet era, if you’re looking for information on the internet and it’s pages are slow, will you keep looking or quit? Users will leave 99.9% of the time and look for a new website hence speed test websites plays a major role.
The website speed testing tools are important to web developers, marketers, and IT departments alike. Improving the speed with which your website loads can have a significant impact on its overall success.
Page speed has an impact on practically every aspect of your business, from user experience to search engine optimization. In reality, most website visitors will only stay on a page for four seconds before moving on to anything else.
This web-based website speed assessment tool gives important information about page rendering time, such as total download time, number of connections, and number of queries. It also offers some other capabilities, such as the ability to conduct the test even if the web page uses HTTP authentication and the ability to mimic various types of Internet connections.
It’s not a good idea to wait at your computer with a stopwatch while your website loads to see if it’s quick enough. As a result, most web developers and marketers will use a number of free website performance test tools.
These tools are always evolving and being updated. As a result, a carefully picked selection of the greatest Online Speed Test Websites listed for your convenience, few are totally free to use, rest are paid, use the below mentioned websites are ordered in ascending order from A to Z.
~ Bootstrapcdn
~ Cdnjs
~ Dareboost
~ Dotcom
~ Geekflare
~ Gtmetrix
~ K6
~ Keycdn
~ Nikkhokkho Sourceforge
~ Pagespeed
~ Pingdom
~ Releases Jquery
~ Saerasoft
~ Sitespeed
~ Tinypng
~ Toptal
~ Webfx
~ Webpagetest
~ Websiteoptimization
~ Willpeavy
~ Yslow