If you are using Internet, you’re probably aware of what Lorem Ipsum is. If you don’t have a technical background, you could think it’s just a bunch of words. Lorem Ipsum is a collection of meaningless words or text. It’s used to complete layouts. It is referred to as placeholder text or dummy text by layout experts and designers.

In the current scenario, Lorem Ipsum is not only well-known and frequently utilised, but there is also a large range of Lorem Ipsum generators/dummy text generators capable of producing text pieces in Latin and other languages.

For example, if you’re developing a completely new website for someone, you’ll almost always need to finish the prototype by adding content, photographs, or other elements. The goal is for the person viewing the prototype to be able to experience and grasp the concept behind what you’ve built.

Designers may now utilise squares and rectangles to help you visualise what should and could be in a given area in some cases. We all have different methods, but one of the most successful is to put text where text goes and photos where pictures go to ensure that everyone can see the idea you’ve produced.


A carefully picked selection of the greatest Online Dummy Generator Text Websites listed for your convenience, totally all are free for our use the below mentioned websites are ordered in ascending order from A to Z.

~ Baconipsum

~ Blindtextgenerator

~ Cameroncreative


~ Cheeseipsum

~ Cupcakeipsum

~ Dummytextgenerator

~ Exlab


~ Fillerama

~ Generator.lorem-ipsum

~ Iplocation

~ Lipsum


~ Loremipsum360

~ Obamaipsum

~ Pirateipsum

~ Sliderrevolution


~ Soundcloud

~ Tvipsum

~ Webfx

~ Wpamelia