The first step in writing a blog that gets more visitors is to choose the proper keywords and conducting keyword research is so crucial. You don’t want to pay for keyword research or SEO tools since you’ve just begun blogging or for some other reason. You can do your research using one of the many free keyword research tools accessible. If you like, you can upgrade to paid tools later.

Because of Google’s ubiquity, most SEO experts start with Google Keyword Planner and associated tools, which can be restrictive or difficult to use. The good news is that there are several free keyword research tools on the market. Don’t overlook keyword research tools that aren’t commonly used.

One of the most common SEO blunders is ignoring keyword research in favour of creating “excellent content.” This is because keyword research is required to determine where your consumers are in the customer journey.


A person looking for how to do something is looking for information, whereas someone looking for product sale is wanting to buy the goods. You may use that data to create relevant content that encourages customers to click through and convert.

In a nutshell, keyword research identifies which keywords are most important for your website’s goals. When done correctly, it can point you in the right path for increasing awareness, contemplation, or conversion.

A carefully picked selection of the greatest Online Keyword Research Tool Websites listed for your convenience, few are totally free to use, rest are paid, use the below mentioned websites are ordered in ascending order from A to Z.

~ Ahrefs
~ Alsoasked
~ Answerthepublic
~ Getkeywords
~ Google Trends
~ Keyword Guru
~ Keyword Io
~ Keywordseverywhere
~ Keywordsheeter
~ Kwfinder
~ Merchantwords
~ Moz
~ Neilpatel
~ Questiondb
~ Soovle
~ Tagcrowd
~ Toolbase
~ Wordsteam
~ Wordtracker