In Oden days we have only few printers to say every one knows Dot Matrix is the Cheap and best, but currently we have various kinds of printers: 3D Printers, LED Printers, Laser Printers, Ink Jet Printers, Multifunction Printers, Business / Home Printers.

Not all printers can give you hope depending on your expectations, that is why it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of printers. With so many options available, you can make sure you’re choosing the right type and model while paying the right price. Printers are output devices that are used to provide permanent output on paper.

Impact Printers
Produce images by physically pressing an inked ribbon against the paper, causing the ink to be deposited in the required shape on the page. These printers are notoriously noisy, yet they are still in use today due to their unique capacity to handle multipart forms.

Dot Matrix Printers
Characters are printed by dot-dot-dot with dot matrix technology. The character is created by a matrix of pins on the printer’s print head. One character at a time is sent to the printer from the computer memory, between the pins and the paper is a carbon molecule. When the pin strikes the carbon, it prints the words on the paper.


Laser Printers
Laser printers are also known as page printers because they transfer a whole page to a drum before applying toner. Even though they do not use lasers, there are two more types of page printers that are classified as laser printers. To expose the drum, one utilises an array of LEDs, while the other uses LCDs. The resolutions available range from 300 dpi on the low end to 1,200 dpi on the high end. Laser printers are excellent at printing visuals in addition to text, so you’ll need a lot of memory in the printer to print high-resolution graphics. Laser printers can print anything from 4 to 20 pages of text per minute (ppm).

Ink-Jet Printer
This type of printer prints characters by spraying ink patterns onto paper from a nozzle or jet. It prints letters and shapes using nozzles with extremely thin holes, from which a specially formulated ink is blasted out to create various letters and shapes. The ink is ejected from the nozzle as fumes. It forms the intended letter/shape at the desired location after going through a reflecting plate.

3D Printers
Material extrusion devices are now the most readily available and least priced type of 3D printing equipment on the market. They operate through the loading of a spool of solid thermoplastic filament into the 3D printer.


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