Below is a list of the online document comparison applications for Windows. You can compare the text of two documents in split windows (horizontally / vertically) using this shareware. The line number is used to do the comparison. Each of these programmes highlights the differences in content of each line of two texts in distinct colours. 

You can also compare and evaluate the documents manually for content that is identical and non-identical. The total number of conflicts/changes is also shown. The comparison results can be saved in TXT or HTML format. The following two features are found in the majority of document comparison software:


As previously said, Compare is a tool that is used to look for discrepancies in two documents. Merge Document is a tool that lets you combine two documents into one base document to create a final version of a combined document. This is accomplished by combining identical and non-identical content into a single entity.

The majority of these document comparison programmes include a text editor. This allows you to edit each document separately and save changes while comparing them. To address conflicts between the two, you can easily migrate content from one to the other. You can compare more than two documents at once with several of these document comparison tools. In a handful of them, you may even compare two folders.

They all accept plain text documents, i.e. TXT files are text files. However, you can compare text content in various document formats such as RTF, DOC, DOCX, XML, HTML, and so on. These document comparison programmes, such as online websites and software, exclusively compare document text content.

Below listed websites are sorted in A to Z wise in ascending order for your easy access.


~ Araxis

~ Archive Codeplex 

~ Copyleaks

~ Diffchecker


~ Diffnow

~ Docscorp

~ Draftable

~ Globalvision


~ Listdiff

~ Litera

~ Mergely

~ Office Diff


~ Perforce

~ Prestosoft ExamDiff

~ Prettydiff

~ Quickdiff


~ Sourcegear Diffmerge

~ Syntevo

~ Textcompare

~ Text-compare


~ Textdiff

~ Thewindowsclub

~ Tkdiff

~ Winmerge